How to Get a SABER Certificate in Saudi Arabia: A Simple Guide

If you want to sell or import products into Saudi Arabia, you may need a SABER Certificate. This certificate shows that your products meet the country’s safety and quality standards. Here’s a simple step
by-step guide on how to get a SABER Certificate: 
Step 1: Register Your Product on the SABER Platform
  • Go Online: Start by visiting the SABER platform, which is an online system managed by the  Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization (SASO).
  • Create an Account: If you don’t have an account, you’ll need to create one. This account will allow you to manage your product registrations.
  • Enter Product Details: Once you’re logged in, you need to enter details about your product, like what it is, its category, and how it will be used. 
Step 2: Choose a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB)
  • Select a CAB: After registering your product, you’ll need to choose a Conformity Assessment  Body (CAB). This is an approved organization that checks whether your product meets Saudi standards.
  • Send Your Product Information: The CAB may ask for detailed product information,  documents, and sometimes samples for testing. 
Step 3: Conformity Assessment
  • Testing and Review: The CAB will test your product or review the documents you’ve provided to ensure it meets all the necessary standards. This might include safety tests or checking that theproduct works as described.
  • Approval or Feedback: If your product passes, the CAB will approve it. If not, they might ask for changes or additional information. 
Step 4: Issuance of the SABER Certificate 
  • Get Your Certificate: Once your product passes the conformity assessment, the SABER certificate will be issued. This certificate is given electronically through the SABER platform.
  • Keep It Safe: The SABER Certificate is important because you’ll need it to clear your product through customs when importing it into Saudi Arabia. 
Step 5: Customs Clearance 
  • Present the SABER Certificate: When your product arrives in Saudi Arabia, present the  SABER Certificate to customs authorities. This will help speed up the process and ensure your product can enter the country without delays. 
Step 6: Stay Updated 
  • Renew When Needed: Some SABER Certificates might need to be renewed, especially if there are changes to the product or regulations. 
  • Check for Updates: Saudi regulations can change, so it’s important to keep up with any new rules or requirements that might affect your product. 
Getting a SABER Certificate is a necessary step if you want to do business in Saudi Arabia. By following these steps registering your product, working with a CAB, getting your product assessed, and securing 
the certificate—you can ensure that your products meet Saudi standards and can be sold legally in the country. This process helps protect consumers and ensures that only safe, highquality products enter the Saudi market. 

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