How to Perform Umrah – Detailed Step-by-Step Umrah Guide

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If you’ve decided to perform Umrah this year, do not take the day for granted. Acknowledge and value the truth that Allah picks you for this honor amongst the few. Be grateful to Allah that He gave you this chance and put you in the placement to manage it.

Now that you have made a significant choice, it’s time to prepare for exactly how you will make the most out of it. To reap maximum benefits and incentives, you ought to understand the correct procedure for performing Umrah. To aid you, we’ve assembled this thorough, detailed Umrah guide. It will let you recognize how to do Umrah before heading to Makkah for your spiritual journey. Let’s start with what Umrah is.

What is Umrah?

The Arabic word ‘Umrah’ has been derived from ‘i’ timar,’ specified as ‘a see.’ In Islamic terminology, Umrah refers to visiting the Holy Ka’abah for the performance of the lower trip in Makkah. It is an act of praise based upon the training of Allah’s Prophet (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam). In contrast to Hajj, the more incredible expedition, done throughout the specified days of Dhul Hijjah, Umrah, can be executed any time during the year.

Now that you understand what Umrah is Let’s take a look at just how to execute Umrah:

The Umrah ritual comprises 4 standard columns: Ihram, Tawaf, Sa’ee, and Halq. We’ll have a look at each of them thoroughly:

Step 1– Ihram

For anyone who prepares to execute Hajj or Umrah, Ihram is a needed routine. Without Ihram, your Umrah or Hajj will not be acceptable. So precisely what is Ihram? Ihram is a particular state that pilgrims get in and stay in a while doing Hajj or Umrah. Going into the spiritual state requires taking on certain cleaning rituals and wearing appropriate garments.

When all Hajj or Umrah pilgrims turn up at the house of Allah in the same Ihram clothing, it develops complete equal rights, consequently eliminating all economic and social differences between them. You can not distinguish the abundant from the bad when you go for Umrah or Hajj. It’s also essential to comprehend right here that you must understand getting in Ihram areas under specific restrictions. These include the following:

Males are not allowed to shave hair or beards and cut their nails.

Males are not allowed to use sewn or woven clothing. For ladies, any wholly white or black dress that fully covers their body other than face and hands is their Ihram. Thus, females are permitted to wear sewn clothes throughout Umrah or Hajj.

Females should refrain from exposing any part of their body except the face and hands.

Neither guys nor women ought to wear any aroma, including perfumes, deodorants, aftershaves, and fragrant soaps. You’ll be given unscented soaps for use throughout the journey.

Explorers are not allowed to take part in sexual activity.

Pilgrims are not enabled to quest pets or cut plants or trees.

Exactly How to Make Umrah Niyyah

A vital rule explorer should comprehend is that the niyyah for Umrah or Ihram should be made before crossing one of the Meeqats. Niyyah is the natural intent to execute any act of worship, which must be complied with by Talbiyah, a special petition that pilgrims must keep stating until they get to Masjid Al-Haram.

Meeqats have suggested stations set by the Prophet (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) for getting into the state of Ihram for all those continuing for Hajj or Umrah. There are 5 stations in total amount, and which one puts on you depends on where you’re traveling from. Right here are the 5 Meeqat places:

Raleigh or Al-Juhfah– For those traveling from the West, Syria, Egypt

Yalumlum– For those traveling from Pakistan, India, or Yemen.

Abyar Ali or Dhul-Hulaifah– For those taking a trip from Madinah

Qarn-Al-Manazel– For those traveling from Taif and also Najd

That-Iraq– For those taking a journey from Iraq.

You should not just make the Umrah niyyah in your heart but also recite the words. You might state any of the complying with three supplications to make your niyyah:

Labbayka llahumma Umratan

Translation: O Allah! Right here I am to carry out Umrah.

Allahumma Inni uridu l– umrata.

Translation: O Allah! I plan to carry out Umrah.

Allahumma Inni uridu l-umrata fa yassirha li wa taqabbalha minni.

Translation: O Allah! I plan to perform Umrah, so please accept it and make it easy for me.

Exactly how to Get into the State of Ihram?

If you’re traveling by air, you need to go into the state of Ihram before crossing the Meeqat that relates to you. If you’re traveling on Saudi Airlines, they’ll make a piece of news regarding the Meeqat at the proper time before reaching Makkah. We recommend wearing the Ihram garments in your home and also postpone the niyyah until you obtain near the Meeqat while on the plane. You will not officially enter Ihram’s state until you make the niyyah.

Before putting on Ihram apparel, obtain a state of physical tidiness. Carry out ghusl, which describes taking a bath in a prescribed manner. Alternatively, you may carry out wudhu. Ihram clothing consists of 2 sheets of a white towel, one for the top fifty percent of the body and the other for the reduced fifty percent. After using Ihram clothes, pray 2 salah Al Ihram; however, don’t make your niyyah of Ihram or Umrah right now as discussed.

When you’re close to your applicable Meeqat, make your intent for Ihram and Umrah according to the method discussed in the last area, and afterward, recite Talbiyah. Stating Talbiyah is wajib and confirms your intention to enter the state of Ihram. The Talbiyah prayer is as follows:

Labbayka llahumma labbayk( a), Labbayka la sharika laka labbayk( a), inna l-hamda wa n-ni’ mata, laka wa l-mulk( a), la sharika lak.

Translation: At your service, O Allah, at Your service. You have no partner at Your Service. Indeed all praise, favor, and sovereignty are Yours. You have no partner.

After reciting Talbiyah, you’ve entered the state of Ihram and are a Muhrim.

Step 2– Tawaf Al-Umrah.

Tawaf is derived from the Arabic word ‘Taafa, which means ‘to encircle something.’ In the context of Umrah or Hajj, Tawaf is the practice of performing seven anti-clockwise circuits of the Ka’abah. While there are five different types of Tawaf, we’ll discuss Tawaf Al-Umrah, which forms a necessary part of Umrah.


To perform Tawaf, you must be free from all major and minor impurities and be in a state of wudhu. If your wudhu ends during the Tawaf, carry out the ablution again and resume your Tawaf from where you left. You will naturally be in Ihram clothing, which will be pure and clean. For men, the part of their body between the navel and knees must be covered, while for women, the entire body except the hands and face must be protected.

Starting Point.

Once you’re in Mataf, observe Idtiba, the right shoulder’s uncovering, as per Sunnah’s practice for Tawaf Al-Umrah. This can be quickly done by passing the upper sheet of your Ihram under your right armpit and hanging it from the left shoulder. It would help if you kept your right shoulder uncovered throughout the Tawaf.

The starting point for Tawaf is the corner of the Ka’abah where Hajr Al-Aswad, or the black stone, is positioned. Stand facing the Ka’abah with the black stone on your right side. This is where you’ll make the niyyah to perform Tawaf. Recite the following words to make the intention:

Bimillahi Wallahu Akbar, Allahumma Imanan bika wa tasdiqan bika kitabika wa wafa’an bi ahdika wattaba’an li sunnati nabiyyika Muhammad (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam).

Translation: I begin in the name of Allah; Allah is the greatest. O Allah, out of faith in You, belief in your book, fulfillment of your covenant, and the emulation of the Sunnah of Your Prophet (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam).

Begin your Tawaf by heading to your right, so the Ka’abah is on your left. This way, you’ll be making the round in an anti-clockwise direction. Raml is another Sunnah practice that should be observed while performing Tawaf Al-Umrah. It refers to the practice of walking quickly, forcefully lifting the feet, and sticking out the chest, mimicking a warrior. You should perform the first three rounds of your Tawaf in this manner, then return to your normal walking state for the rest of the four rounds.

Perform your Tawaf with a lot of humbleness, keeping in view the greatness of the Ka’abah. Avoid eating and drinking and talking unnecessarily about worldly things.

Duas to Read during Tawaf.

You may recite supplications and duas you remember during your Tawaf since it’s the time when duas are accepted. You may recite Arabic duas or supplicate in your language. Yet, it’s highly recommended that you memorize the Arabic Sunnah duas and recite them during your Tawaf. However, ensure you understand each dua you recite so that you experience humility while praying and don’t end up repeating the words.

The best dua to recite between the Yamani corner and the Hajr Al-Aswad prescribed by Sunnah is:

Rabbana Atina Fid Dunya Hasanah, wa fil akhirati hasanah, wa qina Azab annar.

Translation: O Lord, grant us the best in the world and the best in the next world, and protect us from the punishment of hellfire.

Reaching Hajr Al-Aswad marks the completion of each round. Kiss, touch or salute the black stone to move on to your next game. This is referred to as Islam.

After Tawaf.

Once you’ve completed the seven rounds of Tawaf, follow these steps:Salah Al-Tawaf.

This refers to the two of Salah to be performed after completing your Tawaf. While it’s preferable to perform this Salah near Maqam-e-Ibrahim, it may not be possible because the spot is situated within Mataf. You may thus perform this salah anywhere in the Masjid.


After performing Salah Al-Tawaf, head to the well of Zamzam water, which is situated within Masjid Al-Haram. You should be able to obtain the water from any of the dispensers and fountains around the area. Duas are also accepted at this station, so make as many duas as possible. You may recite the following dua, too, after drinking Zamzam water:

Allahumma Inni As’ aluka ‘ilman nafi’an, wa rizqan wasi’an, wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan, wa shifa’an min kulli da’.

Translation: O Allah! Grant me beneficial knowledge, abundant provision, and a cure for every illness.

Performing Umrah with My Child. Is it Possible?

Yes, it’s possible to perform Umrah with your child. However, you’ll need to thoroughly understand how various steps, such as niyyah, Tawaf, Sa’ee, etc., are to be performed on behalf of the child. Get in touch with an authentic scholar to learn the steps.

Step 3– Sa’ee.

Like Tawaf, Sa’ee is a mandatory step in Umrah. Simply put, it’s the practice of walking between the hills of Safa and Marwah seven times. After completing your Tawaf and performing Salah Al-Tawaf, return to Hajr Al-Aswad to carry out Istilam again before proceeding to the Safa hill to begin Sa’ee. Recite the following Verse from the Quran when approaching the Safa hill:

Inna s-safa wa l-marwata min sha’a’ iri llah (i).

Translation: Indeed, Safa and Marwah are among the Signs of Allah (SWT).

Then, recite the following dua:

Abda’u bima bad’ allahu bihi.

Translation: I start with that which Allah has begun with.

When you reach the Safa hill, recite the following duas:

Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi l-hamd.

Translation: Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, and all praise be to Allah.

There are various other supplications of Sunnah that you can recite before commencing your Sa’ee. Make your duas in your language too. Then, start walking to Marwah. Between the two hills of Safa and Marwah, you’ll notice two green fluorescent lights around 50 meters apart. In between these two, men should run at a medium pace, but women should walk at their average speed.

No specific dua or dhikr has been prescribed for pilgrims performing Sa’ee. You may recite supplications or duas of your choice, such as sending Durood upon the Prophet (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam).

Every time you reach Marwah, recite the same supplications you recited upon reaching Safa. Your seventh lap will be complete at Marwah Hill. While it’s not mandatory, it’s recommended that you perform two of Salah after the completion of Sa’ee.

Step 4– Halq or Tafsir.

After Sa’ee, you’ll need to perform Halq or Taqsir to exit the state of Ihram. Unless you accomplish this critical step, you’ll stay in the form of Ihram. Halq refers to shaving the head, whereas Taqsir means trimming the hair.

Even if you don’t have any hair, run a razor over your head to complete the ritual. For taqsir, a minimum amount of hair must be trimmed equal to the length of a fingertip from all sides of the head where hair is present. While you may cut your hair independently, assigning someone else to do that for you is also permitted.

Women, on the other hand, are forbidden to perform Halq. They only need to trim a fingertip’s length from the end of their hair, regardless of how short the hair is.

Step 5– Ending Ihram.

With the completion of Halq or Taqsir, you’ll exit the state of Ihram. As soon as your Ihram ends, you’ll be free from the associated restrictions such as using perfumes, cutting nails, engaging in marital relations, etc. You may now change into regular clothes. However, if your Umrah is part of Hajj, marital relations will remain forbidden until Tawaf al-Ziyarah, but other Ihram restrictions will be lifted.

Congratulations on Completing Your Umrah!

Congratulations, you’ve completed your Umrah. Instead of feeling proud of your achievement, keep repenting, thanking Allah for the privilege, and constantly make duas that your Umrah gets accepted.

What Do You Recite during Umrah?

While we have a dedicated guide for the duas that should be recited during Umrah, let’s go through the specific instances when one or more duas should be repeated. We’ve discussed some of them in this article:

Duas for Traveling.

Duas for Beginning Ihram and Talbiyah.

Dua for Entering the Masjid.

Duas for Tawaf.

Dua for Drinking Zamzam water.

Dua for Leaving the Masjid.

Dua for Sa’ee.

How Long Does it Take to Complete Umrah?

The time it takes to complete Umrah primarily depends on the crowd at the time you’re performing it, your own pace, the weather, and whether or not you choose to take breaks between the rituals. The most time-consuming steps in Umrah include Tawaf and Sa’ee. Usually, each of these will take around two hours to complete. In that case, you shouldn’t take more than three to four hours to complete your Umrah. During crowded periods, it can take considerably longer.

How to Perform Umrah Summary.

To sum it up, Umrah comprises four core practices: entering the state of Ihram, performing Tawaf, undertaking Sa’ee, and conducting Halq or Tafsir. When learning to perform Umrah, you need to understand these in detail.

Ihram garments are to be worn before one of the Meeqats, where you perform two of salah and make the intention or niyyah of your Umrah. Tawaf should be performed in a prescribed way, such that your actions are closest to the practice of the Prophet (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Two of salah should also be performed, preferably near Maqam-e-Ibrahim. Sa’ee has to be conducted between the hills of Safa and Marwah. Finally, Halq or Taqsir is the shaving or shortening of hair when you leave the state of Ihram and complete your Umrah.

We hope this guide simplified the process for you so you don’t face any confusion regarding the Umrah procedure.

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