Types of Certificates in the SABER System

In Saudi Arabia, the SABER system is used to ensure that products meet specific safety and quality standards before they are imported or sold in the country. There are different types of certificates within 
the SABER system that businesses may need to obtain, depending on the type of product they are dealing with. Here’s a breakdown of the main types of certificates: 

1. Product Certificate of Conformity (PCoC)

  • What It Is:​
    The Product Certificate of Conformity (PCoC) is a document that confirms a specific product meets the required Saudi standards. This certificate is necessary for each regulated product before it can be imported into Saudi Arabia.
  • When You Need It:​
    You need a PCoC for each product you plan to import. For example, if you are importing electrical appliances, toys, or construction materials, you will need a PCoC for each item.
  • How to Get It:​
    To obtain a PCoC, you must register your product on the SABER platform and choose a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) to assess the product. The CAB will test the product or review its documents to ensure it complies with Saudi standards. Once approved, the PCoC is issued through the SABER platform.

2. Shipment Certificate of Conformity (SCoC)

  • What It Is:​
    The Shipment Certificate of Conformity (SCoC) is a certificate required for each shipment of products entering Saudi Arabia. It ensures that the products in the shipment match the details of the products for which the PCoC was issued.
  • When You Need It:​
    Every time you send a shipment of products to Saudi Arabia, you need to obtain an SCoC. This certificate applies to the entire shipment, so even if the shipment contains multiple products with their own PCoC, they all must be covered by a single SCoC.
  • How to Get It:​
    After you have obtained the PCoC for your products, you will apply for the SCoC through the SABER platform before shipping your goods. The SCoC confirms that the products being shipped comply with the details specified in the PCoC.

4. G-MARK Certificate

  • What It Is:​
    The G-MARK Certificate is required for certain products that fall under the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) technical regulations. The G-MARK indicates that the product complies with safety and quality standards across all GCC countries, including Saudi Arabia.
  • When You Need It:​
    Products like low-voltage electrical equipment and children’s toys, which are regulated by the GCC, need a G-MARK Certificate in addition to the SABER certificates.
  • How to Get It:​
    To get a G-MARK Certificate, the product must be tested and certified by an approved Notified Body that is authorized to issue this certificate. The G-MARK Certificate is then used alongside the SABER PCoC and SCoC for market access in Saudi Arabia.

Understanding the different types of certificates in the SABER system is crucial for businesses that want to import and sell products in Saudi Arabia. The Product Certificate of Conformity (PCoC) and Shipment Certificate of Conformity (SCoC) are essential for regulated products, while the Self-Declaration of Conformity can be used for certain non-regulated items. Additionally, the G-MARK Certificate may be required for products governed by GCC regulations. By obtaining the correct certificates, businesses can ensure their products comply with Saudi standards and avoid delays or penalties during the import process

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